Supporting the Grassroots


A big part of our work at Food First NL is to support individuals and grassroots organizations with the resources, information, and connections they need to do important food systems work in their communities. 

Volunteers at an event in Tessier Park

In 2021, we fulfilled information requests, completed presentations, and offered networking opportunities for organizations across all regions of the province. Some of these groups included the Tessier Park Neighbourhood Association, the Baynet Community Centre, Miawpukek First Nation, Reaching Home Indigenous NL, and the Musgrave Harbour Lions Club, as well as requests from the NL Public Library with their seed library and Memorial Grenfell Campus. 

St. John’s Food Policy Council

St. John’s Food Policy Council at an in-person meeting, hosted at the O’Brien Farm

Food First NL works with the City of St. John’s to co-chair the St. John’s Food Policy Council. The St. John’s Food Policy Council takes a food system approach to policy and planning. The St. John’s Food Policy Council is made up of 15 members, who represent a variety of backgrounds, sectors, and communities. The main functions of the St. John’s Food Policy Council are: to discuss food issues; coordinate links between sectors; evaluate and influence policy; and support actions that address local needs and enhance the local food system.

2021 was a big year for the St. John’s Food Policy Council. Some of the biggest highlights include: 

  • New partnership with Lakehead University and Food Communities Network to complete a Social Network Analysis of emergency food programs in St. John’s

  • Joining the Coalition for Healthy School Food 

    • Through the Coalition, SJFPC connected with policy councils nationally, joining the call for a universal school food program!

  • Civic engagement during all three of the municipal, provincial, and federal elections this year

    • SJFPC kept the focus on income and food access by asking whether candidates would support adopting a living wage policy for municipal staff and contract employees in the Happy City At-Large Candidate Forum

By bringing together different players, the Council works towards a “vision of a local food system where people and place flourish.”

Program Coordinator, Sarah Crocker, and Food Animator/Working Group Member, Cathy Pretty, after presenting “What We Heard” from the St. John’s Food Assessment to the City of St. John’s Committee of the Whole.